Nutrition appointments are conducted by Jessica in Salem and Melissa in Corvallis, our Nutritional Therapy Practitioners, with the oversight of one of the doctors. Appointments last an hour and your doctor checks in for a portion of the visit as well. The foundation of a nutrient-dense, properly prepared diet is necessary for the body’s recovery from any illness. The nutrition work often specifically addresses digestion, immune health, detoxification, and blood sugar balance.

At an appointment you can expect some of the following:

  • detailing of an individualized dietary protocol addressing your concerns,

  • help with the practicalities of implementing your diet,

  • answering of questions you have,

  • education on food and how your body functions,

  • advice to improve lifestyle factors,

  • targeted supplement recommendations,

  • evaluation of symptoms and progress made,

  • fine tuning and troubleshooting for your protocol,

  • coaching and encouragement

Throughout the nutritional therapy process we are looking to remove obstacles to the body’s healing and provide the nutrients and other therapies necessary to allow your health to flourish.

Food sensitivity testing is available. We use US BioTek’s panel of approximately 100 foods. We help you interpret the results and know what to eliminate and when to reintroduce foods. This can give valuable insight into the state of the immune system and gut health. People consistently get good results by obtaining this important information.

Constitutional Hydrotherapy can often be a valuable tool in conjunction with nutritional therapy. It enhances the effectiveness of the dietary changes while reducing unpleasant side effects of detoxification. It also allows for more frequent check-ins during the critical phases of your healing journey.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is also available. This affordable lab provides a wealth of information regarding the levels of minerals and toxic metals in the tissues of the body. Analysis of the ratios between certain elements gives insight into adrenal and thyroid health, hormone balance, energy and nervous system regulation, blood sugar balance, etc. This information allows for extremely specific nutritional protocols to be developed to address the exact deficiencies and imbalances in your body. Retesting is recommended every 3-6 months until a more balanced state is attained.

Working with the team of ND+NTP is a huge advantage. You get medical supervision of your nutritional interventions while getting the support you need to make practical dietary changes.